Gynae and And Obs Pictures


1)Anterior Vaginal Wall Retractor
 2. Blunt and Sharp Curette

 3. Curettes

4. Doyen's Retractor

 5. Green Armatich Clamp

 6. Hegar's Dilator

7. All sizes of Hegar Dilators

8. Indicator( Use to Confirm If Sterilization has been successfully done)

9. Kidney Tray (Has space of 500ml of Blood)
 10. Long artery Forceps

 11. Metallic Catheter

 12. MVA Syringe

 13. Non-Toothed Forceps

 14. Ovum Forceps

 15. Sim's Speculum

 16. Small Artery Forceps

17. Sponge holding forceps

18. Straight Artery Forceps

19. Suction Cannula
20. Tissue Cutting  Scissor

21. Non-Toothed(left) And Toothed(right) forceps

22. Uterine Sound

23. Volsellum
24. Needle Holding Forceps ( Look for the vertical groove in between the  blades)


1) Adneocarcinoima Of Cervix (Look at the base of specimen i.e cervix, you will see the growth and degeneration)
2) Another Adneocarcinoima Of Cervix (Look at the base of specimen i.e cervix, you will see the growth)
3) Wrong label! This is Uterine Leiomyoma, Look at the oval growth at the right)

 4)Endometriosis involving both ovaries ( Note the chocolate color of both the round structures i.e ovaries, at the base of specimen)
5)Fallopian Tube Hydrosalpinx, Try to note the dilated fallopian tubes, (not easily appreciable in this picture)

  6) Hydatiform mole.. Note the grape like structures of the specimen, In gynae there is only one specimen with grape like structure and that's Hydatiform mole

7) Uterine Leiomyoma  with degeneration, appreciate the black and grey spots in the Growth, that spots are degenerative changes.